Work Experience on a Resume (response post)

22 Mar

So I tweeted about my earlier post (right below this one) and got some great feedback from @heatherhuhman, @davidbaker09, @amymengel and @alecjr.  General consensus was to leave off work experience and only emphasize the most relevant industry experience.  But at the same time, if something is important to you, you’ve got to be who you are and stick with it.

I really liked @amymengel’s advice of including the part-time work experience as a bullet under education.  So I changed up the resume.  It’s a win/win because it includes that thing that is important to me but it doesn’t distract from the internships.  Thanks for the tip!

Here is the old resume:

[scribd id=13522143 key=key-1wwj4gddb0rpn2uexiiy]

Here is the new resume:

[scribd id=13557938 key=key-2bso3jjgacmv13bulpfm]

I think the new one looks slightly less cluttered.

Thank you so much for the discussion.  I hope other kids read this and get something out of it!

Until next time,

Use the hashtags #printern and #pradvice.  It’s a great way to get feedback from professionals!


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  • Heather Huhman


    Just because something is important to you doesn’t mean it should end up on your resume. When my husband and I were selling our house, our realtor made us repaint and bring in different pictures and furnishings because it didn’t matter what we liked and what was important to us — it mattered what would be appealing and important to potential buyers. I think resumes are the same way.

    That said, Amy’s advice was great and your resume looks fantastic now. Remember, your resume and cover letter are NOT about YOU — they are about your potential employer.

    Hope this helps, and thanks for starting such a great conversation.


  • Alexa Scordato

    Nice job, Janet! I really love what you’re doing on this blog. Keep talking about your passions, love of PR, marketing, social media, etc.

    You’ll be recession proof if you keep this up ;)

    Can’t wait to see you next time you’re in town. I’m keeping my eyes and ears peeled on the job market… consider me one of your many personal head hunters ;)


  • fisherjanet

    Heather, that’s a great analogy. Thank you so much for the honest feedback and mentorship! I hope other students see this, because the conversation definitely helped me.

    Alexa – can’t wait to see you, girl! Thanks for reading ;D

  • susan kennedy

    I think all work experience should be there but definitely keep it to one page. Waiting on tables demonstrates that you can work hard, handle multiple priorities, customer service, work under pressure, etc These skills are required in many careers.

    As a former entry level recruiter, I want to know that a candidate has a strong work ethic and waiting on tables clearly shows that.

  • Heather Butterfield

    Hey darling! Just catching up on my favorite blog, and had to tell you how AMAZING you are. You’re going to blow everyone away at Shift.

    PS-I may now just add my clothes-folding experience to my resume :-)

  • fisherjanet


    Obviously wrote the Old Navy thing in there for you :)

    <3 J $money$

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