Trending Topic: PR Internships for 2009 Grads

12 Jun

Just about all the senior PR college students have graduated by now, most of whom have officially started their job searches.  Finding that first PR job is always a challenge, but in case you couldn’t guess, it’s even harder now.  (Chin up: There are jobs out there.) Over the past month, there’s been a small crop of my now-graduated friends taking PR internships at agencies, non-profits and other companies.

I say, do it.

I accepted my post-graduation internship back in March.  While I was overwhelmed with enthusiasm, some people’s reactions didn’t necessarily reflect my excitement. When you’re a sophomore and you accept your first internship, people are genuinely excited for you.  It’s baby’s first internship.  It’s adorable.  When you’re a senior and you accept your sixth internship, some people genuinely think that you’re crazy.  You have a college degree. Get a real job, already.

I just wanted to write an encouraging post to anyone looking for an entry level PR job and contemplating taking an internship.  Interning is not giving up on the job search – it’s giving you some more time for your job search.  At an internship, you’re gaining experience, staying relevant, and learning, learning, learning.  You’ll build your portfolio with new, better  work.  (Let’s face it – the stellar stuff you write now as a big bad college grad is better than those crap press releases you threw together for Intro to Public Relations class when you were a freshman.) You’re expanding your network. You’re showing ambition and a sincere interest in pursuing this career.  You’re staying in the PR game.

I think it sounds like a decent plan.

(You can do it!)


  • Sheema

    Great post! I will be the first to admit that I was hoping to have a job when I graduated, but things didn’t work out that way so I took an internship too. Unfortunately, my parents and a lot of other people say its a waste of time. I totally agree with you, it gives your more time to look for a job while brushing up and perfecting your skills!

  • fisherjanet

    Thanks for reading and good luck with your job search!

  • hbutter3

    I know it’s been a rough journey for you, but I’m so proud of you for taking on your internship! It’s the right next step toward your dream career and it’s the right next step for you — no matter what the naysayers might naysay. Love you!

  • Dad

    Janet, every time I read one of your postings, it makes me quite proud that you’re my daughter.

    And…your recommendations about staying in the game with internships is well stated.

    In this competitive arena, there’s always another way to “skin the cat.” (dad speak).

    One more thing….
    Keep that tiara square on your head and never let it fall off…after all, you are our “Princess Janet” and you are now in one of your magic kingdoms with “Prince Charming” all geared up and ready to join you in Boston. :)

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