Bridging the Gap in Social Media – Infographic

21 Jun

This infographic from Jason Falls downright spoke to me. Social media isn’t as ubiquitous as we think.

I’m from Buffalo. I check in on FourSquare at the coffeeshop twice when I’m home for the weekend and I’m the mayor. People just don’t care about check-ins on location-based services there like they do in more concentrated areas like Boston of NYC. My dad does TV ad sales, and a bunch of his clients are small or local businesses. He tells me all the time that social media consultants need to have brochures to hand out to people. Of course, I’m all… “Brochures? Can you link those to a QR code?” No Janet. Most people who will pay you for consulting services actually don’t give a crap about QR codes.

Literally, there are people who don’t know how to spell Twitter. As in, they don’t know how to use it for their business and they don’t know if it has one or two t’s in the middle. They aren’t the type to Google for information, they want to get on the phone and talk to somebody. They aren’t stupid, they just have done marketing differently for a very long time, but want to learn how to use this new thing.

Social media is still new to many many many people. While we are getting fancy with timing Tweets and thinking about if we can optimize Twitter profiles for keywords for social search, there is a ton of 101 work to be done.

Enjoy Mr. Falls’ infographic. And if you aren’t already learning from the Social Media Explorer blog, subscribe today.

Bridge The Gap – Learn Social Media at Exploring Social Media

  • Matthew Smith

    I’m interested in the statistic about percentage of Americans that use social media. Falls says that “only 52% of Americans have profiles on social media sites…not 70% like typically reported.” That’s a pretty direct refutation without documentation. I can happily extend the benefit of the doubt that he’s done the necessary legwork…but what I’m most curious about is how he reached a number so different than what other expert studies have shown.

  • Janet Aronica

    You’re totally right – I give him the benefit of the doubt but because he’s a legit guy but would also be interested to learn about the source.

  • DeVaughn

    Indeed some interesting stats…curious about the source too

  • Jeffrey Stevens

    I’m concerned because I work in the IT industry and I see people here
    that are not familiar with SM other than say, Facebook (because it’s so
    hugely popular). Part of it is time and the other part is desire. I have
    to make time to investigate SM tools because it is my desire to be
    knowledgeable and have a passing familiarity with current trends and
    tools. Heavy workloads nowadays kind of removes any incentive to
    explore. It’s a shame.

  • How to: Get Started in Social Media for Small Business | Social Rant

    [...] free to pass along to clients, your aunt with a coffee shop, etc etc. Whoever you think would find social media 101 tips to be [...]

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  • Nick Winters

    Pretty sure this is an attempt by Constant Contact and Credit Loan to bolster the appearance of email marketing. Not sold. 
