Snack on This:’s Eat Like Me Blog

4 Feb

You know those affected phony hipster peeps who ride the T and read mystery books, Jane Austen novels, and Hemmingway's best of the best?

Yea… that's not me.  Working in consumer PR (read: fashion clients), I'm surrounded by free copies of the check-out line's greatest hits – namely: US Weekly, People, Cosmo, etc.  That and some coffee? Let's get this commute party started.

So these magazines.  You know what one of the top stories is every time?  Some skinny celebrity and her miracle 1,200 calorie diet.  You read this stuff, wonder if you could do the same thing, and then you proceed to feel guilty five hours later when you're stuffing yourself with office potluck party cupcakes.  Yet, at the end of the day you come to your senses and call BS on the whole thing. Yea freaking right [insert celebrity name] actually eats that.  Adderall and Belvedere aren't exactly the South Beach Diet.Self_printlogo (1)  

 What you need to read is Cristin Dillon-Jones' Eat Like Me blog on  She's a legit registered dietician who blogs about her day-to-day diet.  The point is plain and simple: you can have a busy life and still eat healthy.  She leads by example.  It's realistic and motivating to read Cristin's cooking tips, shopping ideas, and responses to reader questions.

One of the things I love most is that at the end of each post, Cristin describes her meal in terms of what nutrition it provides.  So often "healthy" is qualified by how little the portion is, how few calories it is, how low-fat it is.  It's always focused on taking in less of something.  It's about deprivation.  Here, the focus is how much the meal gives.  It's about fueling your body with what it needs.

It's almost cool enough for me to get one of those iTampon I mean iPad things so I can enjoy it on the T.

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